Kalimantan Institute of Technology will Build This Year

Thursday, January 5, 2012

new campus
SURABAYA, KabarKampus-experts who support the development of urgently needed for Kalimantan. For that the provincial government of East Kalimantan (Kalimantan) intends to establish educational institutions in the field of technology.

East Kalimantan Governor, Dr. H Awang Faroek Isaac in his meeting with the Rector of November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Prof Dr Ir Yogi Tri Yuwono DEA some time ago (3/1), on the campus of ITS, expressed his gratitude for the attention ITS oversee the long process of development Institute of Technology Kalimantan (ITK). And this year the government has agreed to build a campus ITK.The role taken by ITS to conduct a feasibility study on the possibility of establishing a new state institute of technology corridor of Sumatra and Borneo is the belief of the Ministry of Education and Culture. It could be argued, the development of ITK are planned to be built in the city of Balikpapan is one of concern for trustworthy ITS Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI).He also hopes the campus ITS still working to create experts in the fields of oil and gas, agriculture and plantations. "ITS Kaltim need to form a partnership with human resources," said Awang.For according to Awang, the number of human resources in the field of technology is still relatively small. While the potential for oil and gas industry, mining, agriculture, and even a very large plantation in Kalimantan."We are ready to help whatever it takes. We will build ITK with methods that are completely new. Faculty to be established also by a case study in the area of ​​Borneo, "said Rector of ITS.In this visit, Awang explains, there are two alternatives in building ITK. Namely, the establishment of the faculty is really new or Polytechnic Balikpapan (Poltekba) will be merged into ITK."On the other hand, the University Mulawarman located in Samarinda was declared ready if faculty and techniques taken into ITK," said Awang.In response, the Rector of ITS as reported www.its.ac.id states, there is still uncertainty about the scenario that will be taken to ITK. "It'll be like the ITB which is the release of UI engineering faculty or completely new."While Education Minister wants ITK completely new, without melting Poltekba and take Mulawarman University engineering faculty. For more detailed master plan and policy, the Education Minister will soon hold discussions ITK establishment on Saturday (7/1) future at Aberdeen.

Source : http://kabarkampus.com/2012/01/tahun-ini-institut-teknologi-kalimantan-berdiri/