Go Back to The Real Campus? (1)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We just wondered how if we're really not getting back to our campus in Balikpapan. At least, 100 students of ITK really don't know what to do, beside they have to keep study in ITS Surabaya cause they have to do that, as their duty to keep giving their best shot to their government who gave them scholarship. Some of them maybe or even us, the students of mechanical engineering of ITK, think about the future of our institute or campus, so yeah still trying to beat our brother institute, ITS Surabaya, in academics or non-academics. So, let's try harder and harder in every seconds of our times or maybe chances. If we can do that, that's the point how far do we success to bring ourselves and ITK in young age to try beating the other old campus or institute. It's not just a dream, it can be real for sure.

We try to ask our government, or maybe ITK's managing committees in Surabaya, but they pushed us around to get back in our normal life. They want us to not thinking about that, cause yeah... whatever happens about our campus, ITS Surabaya still admit us as their students. But, how about our living places? Did we still stay in Student's Dormitory of ITS Surabaya? The answer is... later :)